Bid Opportunities

Bid Opportunities

Please select a project below to log-in and access project resources. If you need project access, please contact us.

Bidding Projects

Name City/State Bid Due Date Contact
NMAH Gunboat Philadelphia Exhibit Demo and Temporary Preservation Space Washington, DC November 1, 2024 at 12:00 PM Matthew Buck
MSC Replace POD 5 Roof Suitland, MD September 12, 2024 at 12:00 PM Matthew Buck
QUAD Upgrade Electronic Security System Phs 1 Washington, DC September 12, 2024 Matthew Buck

Awarded Projects

Name City/State Bid Due Date Contact

Get in Touch.

 ABI specializes in construction projects of all types in the arts and cultural institution market sector. Our projects span some of our nation’s most prestigious museums, art galleries, government projects and houses of worship.